SEAS Website

Our parish website is now up and running. Please visit

**10/10 update** Sacristan & Altar Server Schedules are now posted on the website. EM Schedules to be listed very soon! You can also read transcripts of homilies.

It is kind of a handfull to type the web address everytime so, we suggest you bookmark it or add it to your favorites list!

For the time being, Fr. Perry has asked that we keep the blog up and running to post any detailed information on events and happenings. The website will take care of general info.

In the near future we will also post a copy of the weekly bulliten. As we move forward, we will be asking for your input on the site contents.

Friday, June 27, 2008


There is a correction from the last posting. The meeting scheduled for Monday July 14 is actually July 12. It will be held at St. Phillip's and begin @ 7PM.

On a side note, I spent this week as a facilitator for St. Francis' Vacation Bible School. What a great experience it was. If your children were there, I hope they had as much fun as we had working with them. If not, please remember to sign them up for next year at one of the local parishes. Better yet, sign them up AND volunteer a few hours of your time to help out.

I hope everyone has a Safe and Sane 4th of July. If you are going to light your own fireworks, please be extremely careful. Our family is going to pass this year. With all of the fires in California, I think it is the least we can do to help out the brave and selfless firefighters and all law enforcement. Do what is best for you and your families but, always remember to be safe; and pray for those working on the front lines of one of the busiest holidays of the year for them.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Great News...

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will begin holding Masses on Sunday, September 7 in the Performing Arts Center of Frontier High School (click link below/left for a map to Frontier). Two morning Masses will be held at 9 AM and 10:30 AM. There will be a general information meeting on Monday, July 14 at St. Philip the Apostle Church to organize for the Mass. We will need Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, Altar Servers. We will also need people willing to provide hospitality after Masses and to transport and set up an altar and other furnishings. Please plan on attending this important meeting!

A formal parish website is in the making and will be up and running in the near future. For more information, contact Fr. Perry at his new email address:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

General tidbits

I had a chance to stop by the new house this week. I was surprised to find Burt, (I hope I used correct spelling) a seminarian from Oregon via Merced, staying in the house. Burt will be with us for 10 weeks helping out Fr. Perry where he can. The house looks great. It's pretty darn clean but empty thus far. Furniture is expected this week, as is office furniture. If you get an opportunity, please stop in to say hello. Once things are settled, there will be a place in the house for Eucharistic Adoration. Thanks to all who have provided items, time and prayers.

I am still on the lookout for the 2 trees spoken of in a previous post. The back yard at the house is truly barren (sans dirt and a few weeds). I thought an olive tree would provide shade and be a good symbol of our Catholic/Christian faith. The fig tree is something I thought of as a reminder of Fr. Perry's Fresno roots and of course is a staple of the middle eastern landscape from whence our faith was created. I hope to hear of those generous donations soon.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!!!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Donation Needed

I am looking for two trees for Fr. Perry's House in Bakersfield. I am looking for an olive tree, because I think a priests home should have an olive tree. Second, I am looking for a fig tree. The fig tree is to bring a little bit of Fresno to Bakersfield.

If anyone has the ability to donate these items, I would be very appreciative.

I am also always looking for ideas and topics for this blog. If you have a suggestion or question, please don't hesitate to e-mail me by clicking on the view complete profile link below (on the left). You can send me an e-mail from there.

Thanks for your prayers and support!!!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Just A Reminder!

For those who attend Christ the King Parish in Oildale, Fr. Perry will be preaching at all masses. FYI, his homily at St. Francis this past weekend was terrific. Sometimes God throws us all a softball....This past Sunday, He did just that. The Gospel reading was Mt. 7:24. This was the perfect reading for a homily about building a new parish. I haven't looked but, I'll bet this Sundays readings will also provide an excellent platform for the message that will be delivered.