SEAS Website

Our parish website is now up and running. Please visit

**10/10 update** Sacristan & Altar Server Schedules are now posted on the website. EM Schedules to be listed very soon! You can also read transcripts of homilies.

It is kind of a handfull to type the web address everytime so, we suggest you bookmark it or add it to your favorites list!

For the time being, Fr. Perry has asked that we keep the blog up and running to post any detailed information on events and happenings. The website will take care of general info.

In the near future we will also post a copy of the weekly bulliten. As we move forward, we will be asking for your input on the site contents.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Building Committee 2

Tuesday evening was the second meeting of the building committee. It was once again held at the parish residence. The meeting again began with a prayer and then some updates. The Finance committee will meet for the first time in August. The meeting will begin discussions on an operations budget and the formation of a capital campaign.
Liturgical ministries are forming now to be ready for Masses (beginning Sept. 7). We have secured a cantor/vocalist & accompaniment for masses so we will have music during our celebrations. As for other mass needs: our altar is complete (but does need staining); The processional cross is being finished; and, we have additional altar linens being made for use at mass. So, things are proceeding nicely as the 7th approaches.
The building committee continued it's discussion on a master site plan and will be sending out request for proposal's (RFP's) to 4 or 5 local architects. It was determined that there is a wealth of talent locally to help us develop our campus and, it makes troubleshooting easier if there is someone in town to deal with any issues.
There was also a short presentation on church styles. There are many options to consider in arranging a church that can seat 1500 people (min). Styles such as a more contemporary amphitheater or in-the-round configuration. Or the more traditional cruciform (a cross shaped sanctuary). Also to be considered is some sort of hybrid combining different configuration. I have posted a couple of examples to the left for all to see.
The committee will meet again in approx. 3 weeks to review the progress of the RFP's and hopefully meet with an architect or 2. In the meantime, continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this amazing challenge before us all.

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