SEAS Website

Our parish website is now up and running. Please visit

**10/10 update** Sacristan & Altar Server Schedules are now posted on the website. EM Schedules to be listed very soon! You can also read transcripts of homilies.

It is kind of a handfull to type the web address everytime so, we suggest you bookmark it or add it to your favorites list!

For the time being, Fr. Perry has asked that we keep the blog up and running to post any detailed information on events and happenings. The website will take care of general info.

In the near future we will also post a copy of the weekly bulliten. As we move forward, we will be asking for your input on the site contents.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Were you able to make it.... tonight's general info meeting? WOW, what a nice crowd. The first half of the meeting was housekeeping. Here is the info that was shared, if you couldn't make it. Some you might know, some you might not...
The parish office is now open. The hours are Mon-Fri 9AM-2PM (and by appointment). The office telephone # is (661) 587-3626. Christine Nguyen is the office manager and is there to help Fr. Perry and answer your questions.

Fr. Perry's new e-mail is Please discard the hotmail address you may have had. There is a parish website being developed however, it is under construction and not available yet.

The building committee has met, the finance committee is being formed as are other ministerial teams. Please keep checking back for info on the progress of these committees.

If you are interested in registering for the new parish, please e-mail Fr. Perry to give the appropriate info.

Sacramental Life:

Masses will begin Sept. 7, 2008 @ Frontier H.S. Performing Arts Center at 9AM & 10:30AM.

Confessions are available by appointment w/ Fr. Perry (Tue-Fri). Give the office a call to schedule.

Adoration will likely begin once masses have begun. There is a small chapel at Fr. Perry's house that will be available for Eucharistic Adoration during office hours. Stay tuned for more info.

Sacraments for the sick can be arranged by contacting the office. If you are in need of anointment's, communion or any other home bound need of the sacraments, please call to schedule time.

Baptisms, weddings and funerals must occur in one of the existing Bakersfield churches. Contact Fr. Perry for the appropriate paper work.

Religious Ed./Youth Ministry's will continue at the existing parishes. Contact your local parish for details and registration info.

1 comment:

ndur said...

Note that the Performing Arts Center at Frontier High is the large building (Number 300) on Kratzmeyer. Kratzmeyer is the the continuation of Olive Drive West of Allen Road.